Bulletin 6-23-15
Rotary Club of Needham
Sheraton Hotel
Tuesday: June 23, 2015
Pledge of Allegiance: Glen Davis
Song: God Bless America; Led By: Karen Wetmore
Prayer: Led by Darrell Minnich
Welcome Karin Gaffney, Governor Nominee Designate from the Nashoba Valley Rotary Club
Guests: -
- Chaz Everly
- Anthony Guardia, prospective Rotarian
- Paula Jacobsen – new Executive Director of Needham YMCA, and a A Providence RI Rotarian
- Nate O’Connor and Sara Castiztia, 2014 scholarship recipients
Happy dollars: Summer; upcoming wedding in 12 days; congratulations to incoming officers and Rich’s next 3 years as president; congratulations to Glen for his 2 years of service to us; son, James, wedding last Saturday; HTBH; see you in August – down east sailing in July; welcome Karin Gaffney; welcome scholarship guests and 2 weeks vacation.
. Thank you Ken Davis for going to Eagle Scout ceremony. He made the presentation representing Needham Rotary.
. REMINDER – there will be no lunch meeting at the Sheraton next Tuesday. We will have a picnic at Rich Forte’s house in Dover at 6:00 pm. Please let him know if you will be attending.
. Greg needs people for the 4th of July float in the Needham parade. Contact Rachel if you are available.
. Chaz returned from Rotary Exchange in Russia.

. Sara and Nate told about their first year in school. Nate attended Providence College; declared finance and math as his majors and recently ran a marathon in honor of his dad suffering from Parkinson’s disease. Sara completed her first year at Georgetown with a major in government and 2 minors. She interned on Capitol Hill and plays the flute.
Glen has started a new tradition at Needham Rotary by selecting one member who he awarded the 'Rotarian Of The Year' to. This first year, it is Bill Paulson, who we all know totally deserves! Bill is one of the most creative people we know, and is a 'doer' instead of a 'talker'.
Congratulations Bill: well deserved!!!

Glen had a few words before he was presented with a 'Past President's Pin' and Celebratory Gavel. He wanted to thank all Rotarians for their help and assistance during his 2 years as President. The changes he instituted wil help guide the Club forward. Glen said he is donating $250 to the scholarship fund in honor of his parents 50th anniversary and as a thank you for the past 104 weeks.
Finally, Glen was presented with his Paul Harris pin today, for his contribution during this past year.
Glen was thanked with a standing ovation from all members and guests for his great contribution and guidance to Rotary over the last 2 year. Great job Glen!!!.

We were fortunate to have with us Karin Gaffney, District Governor Designate for the 2017/2018 Rotary year, to perform our inductions. Most important is Rich Forte, who is our incoming President:

Karin then installed the new 2015-2016 Board of Directors:

The new BOD members are as folows:
President: Rich Forte
Treasurer: Ryan Damaso
Secretary: Kathy Whitney
Director: Charles Nelson
Director: Ted Shaughnessy
Director: Jim Brown
Director: Libby Pero
Director: Marty Lindeman
Sergeant at Arms: Greg Cronin
Immediate Past President: Glen Davis
(Not all were present).
Rich started by thanking the retiring BOD members Karen Wetmore, Ken Davis and Dan Tibma. They had helped bring the club to where it is today: in very good shape!
Rich has 2 focuses for his year:
1. To try to build a realistic budget for the year, which will maximize our efficiency in doing good.
2. to establish some 'branding' for the club in an effort to publicize the club more which will create more new members.
So, our club is off to a great start! New President, new BOD, and a direction which can only help us to grow!!!
NOTE: Next Meeting: Tuesday, June 30, 2015 at 6:00 pm at Rich Forte’s house, Dover, MA. Directions to follow.....