May 14, 2019
Graviel Nuel Jacobo, Centro de Protesis
Giving hope to amputees in the Dominican Republic
Graviel Nuel Jacobo Director of Operations for Centro de Protesis was born and raised in the Dominican Republic.
At the age of 6 he had an encounter with a train and ended up with only one leg. He struggled to continue his schooling. His parents helped by moving close to school so he could make it on crutches. At the age of 13 he went to work in a mission hospital that was being built to serve people who did not have access to medical facilities.
While working there and on a daily basis he learned about the pain and suffering many people were and are experiencing. Eventually he was introduced to people who had knowledge about prosthetics. With the help of many people, he was able to go to the USA for his first artificial leg.
There are many people of all ages in the Dominican and Haiti that have lost a limb or have birth defects and they go untreated because there are no facilities, expertise or money.
Graviel has founder a Christian non-profit organization to help Amputees as he was helped. This Center is Centro de Protesis & Terapia Fisica (Prosthetic and Physical Therapy Center) to serve people who have lost lower or upper extremities and provide physical therapy at no cost.