Needham Rotary Club
Tuesday:     June 10, 2014
Location:  Needham Sheraton


Pledge of Allegiance:  Glen Davis

Song:  God Bless America; Led By: Bob Cocks

Prayer: Led by Darrell Minnich

. Gift of Life recipient Edwin still in hospital. 16 year old Danielle due on Sunday and 2 year old Valerie due on Saturday.  Ted heard from a recipient in Dominican Republic who just called to say “Love You”. Framingham Rotary Interact Club will be hosting 2 students..
.Some “Guest”  lunch cards were distributed.  If we have anyone we would like to invite for lunch just give them a card.
Needham Channel played the spot about our scholarship recipients.
Bill Paulson is contacting past scholarship recipients to see if they would come back to join us for lunch and give us an update.  He has also asked them to see if they would be available to walk with us in the 4th of July parade.
 Doug will contact Park and Rec for a permit to cook out.  He will coordinate with Bill Paulson who will contact Mickey Welling to see if she would join us.
Let Greg know if you will be able to help with the 4th of July float.  We need about 10 people.
Bill Paulson read us Mariah Cronin’s last posting from France.
Committees are all set.  Rick will send email sometime this week for next year.


ary Zeller
Hank Abbott

Happy Dollars:  Many happy  to be here; great tablemates; glad to see Hank; very happy to pass Board Inspection with flying colors; for

Gift of Live recipients: Edwin, Danelia and Valeria;  happy to pass building inspection on Cape; successful graduation party and Charles’ daughter’s great video on Needham; great weekend and upcoming 4th of July parade.

Lois’ presidential minute: no Lois today

50/50 drawing: Charles Nelson had lucky number but no luck drawing queen of hearts.  $324 in pot.  Hector Berlioz, musician du jour.

5 minute Rotarian: George Hoffmeister was born 4/14/45 in Philadelphia, PA; at an early age he had a successful paper route due to his personal service which he continued into his business career. He moved to Needham in high school as a sophomore and became a member of the football where he made friends which he still has today.  In 1965 he met Miss Needham and eventually married her. He started his own business in 1974 and joined Rotary in 1980 when we were all men.  He is currently retired and proud grandfather of 6 who all live in Needham.  He certainly is One Lucky Guy!


Joke of the day: A minister waited in line to have his car filled with gas just before a long holiday weekend.  The attendant worked quickly but there were any cars ahead of him. Finally, the attendant motioned him toward a vacant pump.  “Reverend,” said the young man, “I’m so sorry about the delay.  It seems as if everyone waits until the last minute to get ready for a long trip.”


The minister chuckled: “I know what you mean.  It’s the same in my business.”

Birthday: No one today

Guest Speaker:  None

Future Meeting:  Tuesday, June 17, 2014 at Sheraton Needham