Rotary Club of Needham
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Location: Needham Sheraton
Marty Lindemann presiding.
Pledge of Allegiance: Marty
Song: America the Beautiful led by Bob Cox
Invocation: ADG Cliff Gerber
Fasten your seatbelts…
Karin Gaffney, District Governor
Rev. Cliff Gerber, Assistant Governor,
Helena Drolette, President Elect of Westwood
Jack Hoyle, District Treasurer, Sgt at arms Dedham Sunrise Club
Hien Tran, Resident Services Director at Needham Housing Authority
Penny Kirk, Retired Resident Services Director at Needham Housing Authority
We welcomed the guests with our welcome song led by Bob Cox
Joke of the Day
Louise told a good one from her joke book.
Marty told a golf joke in honor of Bob Cox.
First great visit to the Needham 3rd graders. Have you ever seen such enthusiasm?
- Raffle: Louise just sold her 50th ticket! Only about 100 tickets left. See Bill if you have interested buyers lined up.
- Dictionaries: Three visits scheduled for this week, three scheduled for next week. Thank you to sponsors Dan Tibma, Louise Condon, and Denise Garlick. Thanks to Chuck Buyer for doing the printing. Thank you to Bill Paulson to bringing this program to our club.
- Ted is excited that the board has approved a new grill for the pancake breakfast. It will replace one of our older grills.
- Grill for Senior Center has arrived and is being installed.
- Buddy Bench for St. Joe’s. We are looking for the right bench then will deal with installation. Ted also had a conversation with the Hillside principal who is excited about a bench and reminded us that they are tearing down the school in 2 years.
Historical Minute (Lois):
On this day in history
Thomas Jefferson became Secretary of State in 1789
John Jay became Chief Justice in 1784
Happy $$$:
Jim, Ted, Ron, Bob: GTBH, Charles, Libby, Paul: for our guests, Lois for great weather, Scott for 36 years in Needham Rotary, Louise for selling her last (50th!) raffle ticket, Andy for teaching his girls to ride bikes, dictionary project, and 85 degrees in September, Greg for guest Penny Kirk, cousin of Paul Kirk who served out Ted Kennedy’s senate term,
50:50: Ticket number 835 belonged to Rachel, who drew the 6 of clubs, which is not the joker, so the $938 pot rolls over to next week. There are only 8 cards left in the deck!
Guest Speaker:
Karin Gaffney, District Governor for Rotary 7910
She became a Rotarian in 2012. She was quickly the president of the Nashoba Valley Club, an AG, and now DG.
PDG Jim was about white shoes. Karin is about a giant Rotary wheel necklace. It’s the first gift her husband has bought her in, well, a long, long time. And the spokes are how we work together to Make a Difference (this year’s Rotary theme).
The three pillars of this year: More Service, More PR, More Members.
Karin also gave some great examples of “What is Rotary” and talked about the highly contagious nature of Rotary Spirit.
5-District Conference on Mt Washington May 4-6
International Conference is in Toronto.