**Needham Rotary Meeting**
August 18 2017
Needham Sheraton
Jim Brown opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance, Karen delivered the invocation, and Andy Wining led us in singing ‘God Bless America’.
Guests: A former Neehdmite Betty Lloyd of Atlanta, a friend of Kathy Whitney; Jane Hwang, a member of the Taipei Taiwan Taipei Choumei Rotary Club, where she is a charter member, visiting her two sons in the Boston area. We traded club flags with Jane.
-Several people turned in more Raffle tickets, cash and stubs. This is great! Remember, if you have any tickets sold or not sold, bring the stubs and cash back so it can be accounted for.
-Reminder that we are doing two drives on behalf of the Needham Community Council.
-A food drive for the Needham Community Council. Please bring in canned goods during the next ten days.
-There are also 90 students who need school supplies. Please bring in large erasers, little pencil sharpeners and 12 inch rulers before August 17. These can be bought inexpensively at Walgreens. Bring ‘em in!
-We will be cooking a cookout at the Senior Center on Monday August 28 at the senior Center at 5:00 pm. The BOD has approved the expenditure for a roof patio electric grill for the Senior Center.
September 12 is our night at the new Garden Restaurant: bring friends and prospective members!!
-The District is hosting a Red Sox game at Fenway September 13th. See Jim Brown for details.
-On Sept. 22nd there is a Tippet House fundraiser. Louise is heading this up.
-Keep your eyes for a District email requesting your participation in a District survey!
Happy Dollars: Ryan HTBH: Betty Lloyd for being able to visit; Jane Hwang-please to visit with Needham Rotary; Scott for daughter Heather’s 40th birthday; Ken Davis for our guests; Kathy Whitney-delighted to have Betty as a visitor, and, looking forward to Chinese Food on Sept. 12; Betty for being able to visit Kathy in Needham; Louise-welcome to our visitors;.
Louise provided humor
Presidential Minute:
There is $in excess of $775 in the pot. No winner this week. We are down to 12 cards, so stay tuned! These 12 cards should last about another 3 months.
Program: None this week.