Posted by KATHY on Jun 13, 2017
**Rotary Club of Needham**
Tuesday:  June 13, 2017
Minutes of Meeting
Pledge of Allegiance: Ted Shaughnessy
Song:  God Bless America; Led By: Kathy Whitney
Prayer: Led by: Cliff Gerber
Guests: - Kathy and Henry Lindemann; Ted’s wife, Marilyn Shaughnessy; Clifford Gerber, Asst. District Governor; Irene Tsardinalis, Family Federal Bank corporate member and Carl Kaliszewski, past District Governor.
-Sadly Ted reported the death of a great Gift of Lift supporter, Tom Ford, in Panama.
- Ted will be delivering a $10,000 Gift of Life check in Portland next week.
.-Ted had his final board meeting Wed., June 7th.  We voted to make the following donations:
  • $3,000- Scholarship fund
  • $2,000 -Buddy Bench to one Needham elementary school.Bill Paulson will check with Dan Gutekunst, Needham Superintendent of Schools, to confirm desire for this “friendship bench.
  • $1,000 -YMCA to help sponsor camping scholarships-Charles will present to their board
  • $ 500-Gift of Life
  • $ 500 -Polio Plus
.-RYLA needs help on 6/23-24 and 25 at Fitchburg State University.  We have 2 participants, Sam Lindeman and Sam Whitney both from Dedham.
-2018 International convention will be held 6/23-27.  If you sign up by tomorrow, there will be a $200 discount.
-Club history with Needham Historical Society – status quo.
-Schooner Adventure sail on 6/18.  Jim will send map of Seaport District.  Contact him for lunch choice.
-Annual cookout on Tues., June 27 at Rich Forte’s in Dover at 5:30.  Let him know if you have any dietary choices.
-Thank you to Andy Sherry, Holly Brown, Kathy Whitney, Lois Sockol, Charles Nelson and Karen Wetmore for help selling raffle tickets at Farmer’s Market on Sunday.
-Carnival on 7/7-8-9 at Needham High parking lot.  Bill has had 10,000 posts on Facebook. -Brad has also set up Needham Rotary Instagram account.  Contact Charles to sign up for ticket selling.
-Lottery ticket raffle sale still under way.  Marty has 140 tickets still not assigned. Contact him when you can sell more.
-Hank Philippi Ryan will be speaker next week.  Karen has invited other clubs to join us.
-Rich thanked everyone who helped with High School Reality Fair.
. $1,000,000 dinner surpassed its goal at $1,300,000.  Needham donated $30,000 with thanks to Marty, Ted and Karen.  Everyone donated $150 to foundation this year.
Perfect Attendance pins were awarded to Rachel; 19 years for Greg.  Thank you both for your work as Sargent At Arms every week all these years. 23 years for Tom Sovino who also serves on our scholarship committee and 34 years to Jim Brown.
Rotary moment: Nothing from Lois today.
Happy dollars: Money collected but not vocalized.
50/50 drawing: $694 in today’s pot; Henry pulled number; Carl had lucky number but no luck with card-still looking for illusive joker.
Humor: None today
Ted’s Remembrances:
Ted thanked everyone for their help during his year as president.  Just to name a few, he mentioned: planting at Needham high school; Community Council food collection; distribution of dictionaries to all 3rd graders; Chapel St. banners; Harvest Fair booth; pancake breakfast; Needham-Wellesley football dinner; Thanksgiving dinner; gift certificates to Community Council; Salvation Army bell ringing; RFV dinner; packing of 19,000 meals for Rise Against Hunger with Needham High Honor society students; spring plants to all nursing homes; Spelling Bee; saplings to 4th graders for Arbor Day; Interservice Club dinner; Historical society display; Reality Fair; Community farm repairs; high school scholarship; Carnival with banners; sail on schooner Adventure to see tall ships; India solar project; Dick Manales project in Honduras; Razia’s Midwifery project, Shelter Box and Buddy Bench, just to name a few.  Thank you everyone for all you did.
Ted had a fantastic year!!! More projects than any other 3 clubs in the District. Well done Ted!!
Guest speaker:  Carl Kaliszewski, Past District Governor spoke briefly to remind us about Rotary.  Their year begins July 1 with new leadership, fresh ideas and a reminder that we need Rotarians to help create a world of friendship.  Team motivation is due to leadership over the past 112 years.  Rotarians believe in truth, family, friendship and service above self.  Members believe in this act accordingly to make a difference. 
Marty presented Ted with a Thank You plaque with his gavel.
Carl  installed our 2017-2018 board
President: Marty Lindemann
Treasurer: Ryan Damaso
Secretary: Kathy Whitney
President Elect: Bill Paulson
Past President: Ted Shaughnessy
Sargent at Arms: Greg Cronin
Rich Forte
Jim Brown
Marty then took pleasure in presenting his wife, Kathy, with a Paul Harris for 16 years of helping him to be a better Rotarian.
After the meeting, Ted and Marty had fun with 'dueling gavels"!
Next meeting: Tuesday, June 20, 2017 at 12:00 at Needham Sheraton