Newsletter 5-6-14
Needham Rotary Club
Tuesday: May 4, 2014
Location: Needham Sheraton
Pledge of Allegiance: Glen Davis
Song: God Bless America; Led By: Ron Sockol
Prayer: Led by Darrell Minnich
- District Conference is May 16-17 at Holiday Inn in Boxboro. Paul Harris dinner on Friday, May 16th. Stop Hunger Now on May 17th also at the Holiday Inn in Boxboro.
- Reality Fair set for Friday, May 16th. Thank you Gary Zeller for lining up several new Reality Fair attendees!
- Needham High School Honor Society sponsoring Stop Hunger Now event. We are invited to help at noon on Wednesday, May 14th at the high school.
- June 3 Scholarship recipients will join us for lunch. Thank you, Dan, Rick and Lois for choosing winners.
- June 24th, Harvey Leonard will be speaker.
- Let Rich or Glen know your choices for committees within the next 24-48 hours or they will choose for you.
- Darrell complimented Tom as speaker at Eagle Scout ceremony. He did a terrific job and represented Rotary very well. We donate the Eagle Scout kits for the ceremony.
- Ed Mulhall, Family Federal
Happy Dollars: Go Bruins; many happy to be here; Roberta was proud grandma, happy to hear her granddaughter solo in school musical; Erica for a wonderful week in Kauai – Aloha; proud father, Tom, for son John’s college graduation; Lois wishing Ron a happy birthday today; Greg reminding us that America’s business is business; Bill for daughter, Sarah’s, 18th birthday; Ken for son coming home this weekend; in memory of Maria McTiernan, Development DIirector of the Charles River Center, who passed away last weekend; and Charles happy for the good weather.
Lois’s Presidential Minute: What president was born on Beale St., Brookline; prevented nuclear conflagration and said “Forgive your enemies, just don’t forget who they are”? John F. Kennedy. Our 2nd president has a birthday today. He was president of Needham Little League and Needham Rotary – Ron, of course.
50:50: Ron Sockol has lucky number but no luck drawing queen of hearts. $228 still in pot.
5 Minute Rotarian of the Day: Tom Savino joined Needham Rotary in 1995; president from 1998-1999; treasurer from 1999-2012. Currently he is trustee of scholarship fund and trustee of District Charity fund. He is very proud of 20 year perfect attendance. Tom was born in Connecticut; lived in Worcester and moved around quite a bit. Went to Rutgers and graduated in 3yrs, 1 mo. He is 6th of 8 children. He returned to MA and has been here for the last 26 yrs. Has 2 children who are both Eagle Scouts and musicians. Tom also updated us on the state of our scholarship fund which is in very good shape. Thank you Tom and Erica for good job.
Birthday: Ron Sockol
Guest Speaker: None
Future Meeting: Tuesday, May 13, 2014 at Sheraton Needham