Rotary Club of Needham
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Needham Sheraton
Pledge of Allegiance led by Ted Shaughnessy
God Bless America led by Bob Cox
Invocation by Karen Wetmore
Brad White is interested in being a member
Chaz thanked Marty for hosting the Rotarian from Siberia
We are working on recruiting 2 High School students for RYLA
We will be participating in the NEF Spelling Bee
Roche Brothers is donating flowers for the nursing homes. Delivery will be on March 21
Happy $$$$$$$$$$$$
Louise is happy that her daughter is feeling better
Erika is happy about the Civics Bee coming this Saturday
Charles had a great week in Puerto Rico!
Looking for the Joker. Scott had the lucky number – 287. He did not win the pot.
We had a club assembly. Ted is working on a fundraiser. More information to come next week. A raffle is another possibility for a fundraiser. Everyone liked the food packaging and gardening projects.