Sheraton Hotel
Tuesday: February 14, 2017
Pledge of Allegiance: Ted Shaughnessy
Song: God Bless America, led by Bob Cocks
Prayer: led by: Rev. Karen Wetmore
Guests: George Hoffmeister; John Hannigan, MA Archivist; Amanda Glidwell, Briarwood
Congratulations to birthday brothers from another mother: George Hoffmeister and Bob Cocks, born on the exact same day of the same year.
. Ted thanked everyone who attended the wake for his sister and who sent cards.
. Ken Davis spoke on RYLA – we will host 2 students this year hoping more high school students will become future members. RYLA will be held on 3rd weekend in June at  Fitchburg State.
. Next week’s meeting’s speaker will be Asst. Dist. Gov. Satya Mitra. Feb. 28 meeting will be Club Assembly reviewing how/what we are doing.  Are we going forward in the direction members want?
. 2 children from Panama have had their surgery and are out of hospital getting ready to go home.
. Karen Gaffney sent email invited us to meet Rotary International President-Elect, Ian Riseley.  He will be the keynote speaker at dinner from 7-9pm at Sheraton Conference Center, Framingham, cost for dinner $45.
. Next Board of Directors meeting will be on March 1st at 5:00 at Bill Paulson’s office, Keller Williams, 140 Gould St., rear.  All are welcome.
Happy dollars: Many wishes for happy birthday to George and Bob; several condolences to Ted; welcome George and other guests; Scott wished us a happy Valentine’s Day and said he was glad to be the thorn among 5 roses-eat your heart out, George; Andy was happy for skiing; Erica happy for snow day with son at DaVinci exhibit at Museum of Science; Karen and Greg welcomed John from MA Achieves and glad to hear him speak.
50/50 drawing: George Hoffmeister pulled the ticket and Louise had lucky number but no joy this Valentine’s Day. $385 in the pot for next time.
Humor: While reading an article last night about fathers and sons, memories came
flooding back to the time I took me son out for his first pint.
Off we went to our local pub only two blocks from the cottage.
I got him a Guinness.  He didn't like it, so I drank it.
Then I got him a Kilkenny's.  He didn't like that either, so I drank it.
Finally, I thought he might like some Harp Lager.  He didn't. I drank it.
I thought maybe he'd like whiskey better than beer so we tried a Jameson's.
In desperation, I had him try that rare Redbreast , Ireland 's finest.
He wouldn't even smell it.  What could I do but drink it!
By the time I realized he just didn't like to drink, I was so fookin' shit-faced
I could hardly push his stroller back home!
Presidential minute: None this week - Lois on vacation in FL.
Guest speaker:  Karen introduced John Harrington, head of Reference Services at MA Archives on Columbia Point, Dorchester.  They store the public, permanent and non-current documents of state government.  The records go from 1629 to 2016 and include the permanent public records of government.  Genealogists and lawyers are most popular visitors to archives and it holds about 80 million documents.  Many of the records are in their original form, i.e., hand written, some has been put on microfilm and more current records have been digitized.  Archives are open Mon-Fri., 8:30-4:30 to the public.  They have a large amount of documents on the American Revolution and MA colonial history; also large number of Civil War records.  Their documents include original state charter; 1776 copy of Declaration of Independence and one of fourteen original copies of The Bill of Rights.
Next meeting: Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 12:00 at Needham Sheraton. Our District Assistant District Governor, Sayta Mitra.