Posted by Jim Brown on Nov 07, 2017
Rotary Club of Needham
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Location: Needham Sheraton
President Marty Lindemann presiding.
Pledge of Allegiance: Marty
Song: Oh Beautiful-Bob Cox
Invocation: Karen Wetmore
Guests:  Dr. Ernest Lowenstein, an optometrist from Newton, was visiting today at the invitation of Greg Cronin. He will come back in the future and do a presentation on walking safey at night. We look forward to it!
Joke of the Day:
  • Today, Erica Bond, Andy Sherry, Bill Paulson and Greg Cronin had their birthdays celebrated!! Congrats to all!! Note that Andy Wining did his best to stand in for Andy Sherry: nice try Andy!
  • Remember, next week Dick Manelis will be the guest speaker, and has requested stuffed animals which he will transports to the country he is visiting, so, don’t forget!! Walgreens has the stuffed animals in aisle 27 of their Needham store.
  • Libby continues to collect children’s books.
  • Bill Paulson is putting together a high school exchange with another international Rotary Club. More to follow….
  • Reminder, the Holiday party will be the 11th of December at Marty’s home in Dedham. He promises the Pats game will be on at least 3 TVs. More to come!
  • Our $19 raffle to win $1000 worth of Mass. Lottery tickets is over. The drawing was held at 10:100 am at the Pancake Breakfast, and Carol R. of Needham won! She bought her ticket from us at Roche brothers, and says she is going to spend what winnings she get’s to help a brother in law purchase a prosthetic leg. How about that !!
  • Our Pancake Breakfast was a success! We served over 325 people, and raised an estimated $6000! Congrats to all!!
Two happy customers!
Part of the team!
Drawing the winning Raffle ticket!
This year we offered pancakes, chocolate pancakes and waffles! Watch out: next year may see more menu offerings!
Again, Libby transported the left over food to a shelter in Attleboro which can gladly use the food to fee the homeless.
Reminder: in 2 weeks there will be the Annual Needham-Wellesley Football dinner on Tuesday night at the Wellesley College Club in Wellesley. This features both football teams and both Rotary Clubs
Happy Dollars: Libby’s Grandson is doing better; Chuck, Bob, Paul, Charles-Happy to be here; Andy, Ken, Lois, Jim, Louise, Kathy Whitney, Ryan all for a great Pancake Breakfast; Ted happy for the birthdays; Bill Paulson-great birthday trip to NYC!!
50:50: Well, we had only 3 cards to choose from this week. This week the pot grew from $1235 to $1360, with those odds. Andy Winig (the non-birthday boy) won the ticket draw (#213) but did not pick the correct card. So, this week there will be only 2 cards left. Do you think the pot will grow again?
Guest Speaker: Our guest speaker today, Matt Ward, spoke to us on the topic “But First Chocolate!”.  Matt passed out Hersey Chocolate drops, and spoke to us on ‘How to solve procrastination”. He says the subject project must have both your passion and focus.
He recounted how Milton Hersey (founder of Hersey Chocolates) and his wife established the Milton Hersey School, in Hersey PA as a cost-free, private, co-residential school and home for children from lower income families located in Hershey, Pennsylvania. To date, they have graduated over 10,000 children .See  Matt shared how he is a graduate, and has grown to where he has his own Web software design firm.
He shared these 5 pointers about getting things done:
  1. Know your why? Why are you doing this?
  2. Know the negative reaction if you don’t get this done.
  3. FEAR-False Expectations Appearing Real
  4. Be proactive
  5. The butter on your bread. Accept failure, and go forward!
Great speaker, great topic!