Newsletter 11-17-15
on Nov 17, 2015
**Rotary Club of Needham**
Tuesday: November 17, 2015
Location: Needham Sheraton
Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Rich Forte
Song: God Bless America
Led By: Bob Cox
Invocation: Karen Whetmore
- The Football Banquet with Wellesley is Nov. 24. Sign up ASAP
- Letters from 3rd Grade students thanking us for the Dictionaries were placed on each table. Very nice, very cute.
- Reminder, football dinner at Wellesley Community Center next week: no Tuesday luncheon!!
- PDG Carl Kaliszefki, our guest speaker
Happy $$$:
Bill-Fun Pats win!
Karen – Great to be part of the meal packaging event this past weekend which packaged over 48,000 meals!
Ken-Great to see Carl!
Rick Davis-HTBH
Darrell-Happy to be back home after spending time with son and family in Thailand
Ryan-Great Pat’s win!
Jim-HTBH and to see Carl
Tom-Happy Thanksgiving!
50:50: Looking for Ten of Spades: Number:606. Ryan had the right number, but drew the wrong card. $501 in the pot!!
Rotary Minute: Paula Kahr educated us on Rotary..
Guest Speaker: Past District Governor Carl was DG in the 2004/2005 year. He came to inform us about the wonderful projects of The Rotary Foundation.
The RFs biggest project has been ‘Polio Plus’ which started in 1986. Initially is was designed to raise $120 million to eradicate Polio and 5 other childhood diseases. As of this date, it has been successful in all but 2 countries, Pakistan and Afghanistan, where they are down to only a total of 51 cases. It is required that they reach zero cases for 3 years to be certified ‘polio free’, and that is what they are aiming for. We can’t stop now!
While the RI Foundation has been subject to the loss of investment funds in the 2008 market decline, RF is still going forward financially with this project, and more!
Rotary has been given a 96.31 ranking from, showing how effective a dollar spent with the RF is versus others. Good work; good people: we should be proud to be affiliated with their great work!!!
Get the latest info on the Rotary Foundation at