Rotary Club of Needham
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Location: Needham Sheraton
President Marty Lindemann presiding.
Pledge of Allegiance: Marty
Song: Oh Beautiful-Bob Cox
Invocation: Karen Wetmore
Guests: Glen Davis was with us today. We were delighted to be able to have him with us.
Joke of the Day:
- Remember, in 2 weeks Dick Manelis will be cooing, and has requested stuffed animals which he transports to the country he is visiting, so, don’t forget!!
- Libby continues to collect children’s books.
- Buddy Bench for St. Joe’s. is installed! Many thanks to Galway Masonry who did the installation at the St. Joseph’s school!.
Presidential Minute: Lois led us down the path about the 29th President of the United States. He was known for 3 things:
1. Apparently he appointed a number of his ‘friends’ into high positions.
2. Was responsible for the ‘Dome Pot Scandal’.
3. He did not want to join the League of Nations, as they provided mutual assistance in any member country was invaded. Because he did not want to do this, the country did not join. Look how things have changed! Who is it? Warren Harding……..Thanks Lois!
Happy Dollars: Lois-$2.00x for having Glen visit; Ryan for Halloween; Louise-Back from a great Holiday weekend and conference; Kathy for a great BID event; Paul, Bob C, Jim B, Charles, Ted all for HTBH (Happy to be here); Tom for a great trip to San Francisco; Bill for a great Pats game; Ken Davis for a Happy thanksgiving.
50:50: Ryan had Ticket number 118. But drew the incorrect card. There is $1266 in the pot, with only 2 cards left. How many people will purchase how many tickets next week, with a 50/50 chance!
Guest Speaker: This was a ‘Club Assembly, where the President lays out issues our club is struggling with as follows:
-Membership. We need more!
-Programs: Ken Karen and Kathy are looking for more speakers. Line one or more up, please!!
-Foundation Grant Project: We are qualified, but, need ideas of where our cub can be useful with the District provided gran money. Our grill project for the Needham Senior Center had so much money donated to it, the mount we have to fund is too small. Any ideas?