Rotary Club of Needham
Tuesday: January 12, 2016
Location: Needham Sheraton
Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Rich Forte
Song: America the Beautiful
Led By: Bob Cov
Invocation: Darrell Minnich
  • Music Awards are on 1/31. Tickets can be purchased on line. See Paula if you would like to place an ad in the program book.
  • Speakers are needed for upcoming meetings. Please let us know if you have a speaker you are interested in hearing.
  • Two international Rotary groups are interested in partnering with us on a service project.   The projects are a youth leadership program and a early education program. See Rich if you have an interest.
  • No news on the search for a new President
Don Martini, Past President of Lexington Rotary
Deb Kazarian and Mercedes
Happy $$$: 
Ryan’s daughter is having her 7th Birthday!!
Libby is going to be a grandmother!
Louise’s Realty Guild was rescheduled so she can be with us today
Scott is happy that he did not win the Lottery
Chuck wishes the Patriots good luck
50:50: Looking for the 10 of Spades
The pot is $622
Marty’s number was picked but he did not win the jackpot. Stay tuned for next week.
Guest Speaker: Greg Reibman from the Newton/Needham Chamber of Commerce. Greg came to provide us with an update of what the Chamber has been doing of late. Of note is the fact that the  Chamber is the fastest growing chamber in the state! The Chambers’ program is focused on Networking, Education and Outreach. Current projects are growing the N Square corridor, advocating for housing for employees of the N Square corridor and working on transportation challenges.
The Chamber is doing a lot of exciting activities. See. Their web site for complete details:  www.newton/