Our guest speaker for October 14th was State Senator Richard Ross of Wrentham.   


The Senate Districts have been realigned, but Senator Ross still has precincts of Needham in his district, as well as eleven more towns.  He was elected to the Senate in 2010, and served as a State Representative since 2005.  Senator Ross was active in town politics prior to that in his home town of Wrentham.  He owns and operates the R.J. Ross Funeral Home in Wrentham.  His family arrived in the U.S. in 1609, and has been active in politics since their arrival.




He is a very gregarious Senator, and is most grateful for being able to "make a difference" and to serve his constituents well.  As one of only four Republican Senators in the Senate of forty members (he joked he is often lonely and says it's like being the "Maytag Repairman"), he nevertheless has co-authored some 58 pieces of legislation to date.  He mentioned that recently he learned what it's like to be a Democrat; he realized he had 32 co-sponsors on a bill.

One of the pieces of legislation Senator Ross is most proud of is the "Section 35 Commitment Program" which makes it easier for family and friends to have someone committed for rehabilitation for drugs. This legislation stemmed from the overdose of a family's adult child.  The family found it very difficult to get the family member committed and professionally assisted.

 All legislation to be submitted is due in January, so if you have any bills you want submitted, contact the Senator immediately.

Senator Ross and Club Secretary Bob Cocks greeted one another, and remembered that years ago they served together on the Board of Directors of Kennedy-Donovan Center in Foxboro (which is dedicated to providing community services to adults and children with developmental disabilities).




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**Rotary Club of Needham**

Tuesday:     October 14,  2014

Location:  Needham Sheraton

Pledge of Allegiance:  Glen Davis
Song:  God Bless America, led by Ron Sockol
Prayer: Led by Darrell Minnich


-The Rotary Pancake Dinner is set for Saturday, November 1st.  Sell those tickets!!!  This will be an "All hands on deck" event and each member is requested to plan on volunteering during the morning of November 1st.  Bill Paulson is introducing carnival games which have to be manned ALL MORNING. The Kiva Club at NHS (who spoke to us last spring) will selling $.50 tickets for these games, each game requiring 2 or 3 tickets.  Bill has purchased the for all of these games. There will also be a 50/50 raffle for adults.
-50 lawn signs will be ready over the weekend to publicize this event, and locations have been decided upon.
-Tickets are being sold on line at:


-On the following Tuesday the 4th, we will have an ‘Advertiser Appreciation Luncheon’, hosting all of those advertisers. Bill is planning to have one of our members talk about 5 of our key activities as follows:
            -Our high school graduate Scholarship Program-Glen Davis
            -The Dictionary Program-Bill Paulson
            -Thanksgiving Dinner-Rev. Darrell Minnich
            -Reality Fair-Rich Forte
            -Our support of Gift of Life of New England-Ted Shaughnessy

-Reminder of the 10/22 bowling party at the Bowlaway on Chestnut St Needham, next to Harvey’s Hardware. Starts at 6:00 pm!
- Erica has graciously agreed to once again host the holiday party on Friday December 12th at her home.  SAVE THE DATE!

Guests:  Gary Zeller, State Senator Richard Ross, his assistant Erika Paulhus (she keeps the whole show running and on time!).  George led us in the "Welcome Song." 


Happy Dollars:

Darrell, Chuck Buyer and Andy: "Go Pats"; Libby for her friends and family; Ted Shaughnessy for the membership meeting in Dedham, and GOL successes; Rich, George and Greg  for the Senator; Ryan HYBH; Scotty for meeting and being photographed with former PresGW Bush; Louise wants to vote for Senator Ross; From the Senator himself, Thank you! Bob Cocks for his 42 wedding anniversary! Bill Paulson for the Pancake Breakfast coming together; Charles for the weather; Karen for a great weekend with her colleagues; Erica for the Pancake Breakfast;

Lois’ Presidential minute:

This week’s secret president was President Dwight D. Eisenhower.  He is best known as the U.S.’s Supreme Allied commander in Europe during World War II.  His goal was "Atoms For Peace" and he also was known for beginning the Interstate Highway System across our country.

50/50 drawing:

The 50/50 pot is $678.  Andy got the winning ticket but not the winning card (Queen of Hearts).  He picked the Queen of Spades. Better luck next week!

Gift Of Life New England Update: 

Ted Shaughnessy says there are 3 cases in process as follows:

-10 year old Brian from El Salvador who is in pre-op today at MGH.
-A boy from Ecuador who was here for surgery in 2008.  He has had some nagging issues and will be  back for an update on Nov. 2.
-A young fellow will be in Jan. 15th.   He is from the Dominican Republic.

Gift of Life New England is selling gift certificates to the "Texas Roadhouse" restaurant in Walpole.  These $50 certificates yield 20% to GOLNE.  

See Ted Shaughnessy or call him at 617-957-3461.   Make checks payable to Gift of Life New England; send to Needham Rotary Club by Nov 9th. 

ImageJoke of the day
"Lexophile" is a word used to describe those that have a love for words, such as "you can tune a piano, but you can't tuna fish", or "to write with a broken pencil is pointless."  A competition to see who can come up with the best lexophiles is held every year.  This year's winning submission is posted at the very end.

... When fish are in schools, they sometimes take debate.

... A thief who stole a calendar got twelve months.

... When the smog lifts in Los Angeles U.C.L.A.

... The batteries were given out free of charge.

... A dentist and a manicurist married. They fought tooth and nail.

... A will is a dead giveaway.

... With her marriage, she got a new name and a dress.

... A boiled egg is hard to beat.

... When you've seen one shopping center you've seen a mall.