Rotary Club of Needham

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Location: Needham Sheraton

Pledge of Allegiance: Rick Forte

Song: God Bless America; Led By: Ron Sokol

Prayer: Led by Darrell Minnich


- Bob Dunning broke his leg and is convalescing at home. Give him a call at 781-444-8390 or drop him a card to 123 Elder Rd. Needham Heights.

- Fund Raising Committee will meet next week at the office of Ryan Damaso.

- Louise reminded us of the VNA 20th anniversary of the Stanley Tippett Hospice House. She also displayed the beautiful necklace donated by Susan Warnick for the silent auction. The event will be held at the Needham Golf Club on Sept. 26 th at 5:30 pm with light hors d'oeuvres and cash bar. Entertainment will be provided by the Longwood Opera.

- Bill Paulson has ordered 422 dictionaries for the 3 rd graders. He will let us know when he is ready for us to insert the Rotary stickers.

- Mariah Cronin told us about her exchange trip to France.

Guests: Mariah Cronin, Rotary exchange student. Ron Cronin, Mariah's father. Katie Paulson, Bill's daughter, who bound for Bates College. Sarah Paulson, Bill's daughter, who is heading to Africa.

Happy Dollars: Welcome Katie, Sarah, Mariah and Ron; many happy to be here; happy for granddaughter going off to Barnard; happy for good meal since wife is away for the summer; happy for peace here and happy to be married for 60 years; thank you to Charles and Stacy for great advice on our trip to Puerto Rico; quality of good new buildings in CA that withstood the recent earthquake so well; son in good school and son in youth symphony orchestra and glad to meet the good Cronin family.

Lois' presidential minute: Who was the President who graduated from Georgetown; was Rhodes Scholar; 42nd president and impeached by grand jury but was cleared. Answer: Bill Clinton.

50/50 drawing: Darrell had lucky number but heaven was not on his side. $502 in the pot.

5 minute Rotarian: no one today

Joke of the day: no joke

Birthday: No one today

Guest Speaker: Allison Churilla from our soon-to-be new neighbors, Trip Advisors. They are currently located in Newton, but started in Needham over a pizza shop (Kostas on Chestnut Street). They plan move into a new building mid-2015. Their objective is to help consumers plan their trips by seeking comments from other users about their own experiences. The company makes donations through their charitable division. They are currently hiring software engineers to build the website with 500 people hired so far this year. Allison was asked if the company would be interested in joining Rotary. She will look into the possibility.