**Rotary Club of Needham**
                              September 11, 2012 
                           Location: Needham Sheraton

President Charles led us in the Pledge of Allegiance; we sang God Bless America, with Dan Tibma leading us, and the invocation was delivered by Rev. Darrell.

* Louise updated us on Kathy’s health. She is home and doing well!
* Crutches for Africa is winding down according to Karen. The container is due to depart for Africa in September.
* Looking for 80 hosts for a 4-day stint to host folks as part of the Bandy Hefler exchange this fall. See Karen for details.
* Looking for STORAGE SPACE for all the Rotary gear. We are losing our space at Jim Brown’s place and need to find a new location by November.
* Pancake Breakfast date is set for November 3 at the Needham High School. Be there!
* Karen is still looking for hosts for this falls Bandy Hefler hosts.
* There will be an informational meeting for new members and prospects at 11 am on Tuesday at the Needham Sheraton.
* Darrell will be in China enjoying Chinese Pancakes when our Pancake Breakfast will be held. He is trying to get things put in place now, promising his wife’s best breakfast buns if you contact him and become part of the committee! Bribery, works all the time!

* Brenda Diaz, hopefully one of the last meetings she is a ‘prospective’ Rotarian from Wingate.

Happy $$$: Most dollars were contributed in memory of 9/11; Lois for her Granddaughter’s birthday, and, the Jewish New Year; Greg in recognition of James Shaughnessy, former marine who went to Iraq.

Upcoming Events:
9/18: Guest speaker: Todd Patkin - Author, "Finding Happiness"
9/23 Charles River Center 5K Race: see ‘coach’ Chris Teachout for details
9/25 Guest Speaker: Jon Mattleman-Director of Needham Youth Services
10/2 Guest Speaker: Kelley MacLean Clark, Home Base Program
10/6 Rotary Leadership Institute 8:30 to 3 pm. Charles is going, check with him for details.
10/6 Needham Harvest Fair on town common.
10/9 Guest Speaker: Joshua Perry, Editor, Hometown Newspapers
10/9 Wellesley Rotary is hosting a tribute to Gino Capaletti, who is now the retired broadcaster for the NE Patriots, at their usual Tuesday night meeting.
11/3 Our Pancake Breakfast at NHS. All hands on deck!
11/20 Dinner with Wellesley Rotary at the Sheraton to celebrate the football rivalry
11/22 We serve Thanksgiving Day dinner at the Mason’s hall.

50/50: Roberta had the winning number, 673, but not the winning card. Pot stands at $ 212.

Joke of the day: Bill Rosenthal told the ‘The Cat is on the roof…” joke.

Guest Speaker: Bill Rosenthal led us in a tribute to the 9/11 victims, which featured a 5 minute video recalling the tragedy of that day.