Posted by Jim Brown on Aug 01, 2017
**Needham Rotary Meeting**
August 1, 2017
Needham Sheraton
Ted opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance, Karen delivered the invocation, and Bob Cox led us in singing ‘God Bless America’.
Ted let us know of new fines for cell phones ringing obtrusively, as follows:
                -Cell phone goes off while Ted is talking $10
                -Cell phone goes off while the guest speaker is speaking, $20
                -Cell phone goes off while Marty is speaking: collect $1 from Marty!!!
                  (See what happens when you go on vacation??)
Ted reported that we are making progress on the Raffle. We only have some $40 unsold tickets in ‘inventory’. All the other unsold tickets are in members hands. Please return the money and stubs, or, the unsold tickets! In fact Jim Brown is in need of 3 more tickets on Tuesday.
Karen reported that we are doing two  drives on behalf of the Needham Community Council.
-A food drive for the Needham Community Council. Please bring in canned goods during the next ten days. Below see the picture of food being delivered to the NCC:
-There are also 90 students who need school supplies. Please bring in large erasers, little pencil sharpeners and 12 inch rulers before August 17. These can be bought inexpensively at Walgreens. Bring ‘em  in!
We will be cooking a cookout at the Senior Center  on Monday August 28 at the senior Center at 5:00 pm.
District Grant Training was held last Monday night. We have 3 people who are now qualified: Ted,   Rich Forte and Marty!!
September 12 is our night at the new Garden Restaurant: bring friends and prospective members!!
Birthday cake was provided for the two August Birthday folks: Jim Brown and Kathy Whitney! (Kathy-I at your piece....Jim) 
Happy Dollars:
Paul Dumochel is Happy to Be Here. He has had a rough few months at work: Glad you’re here Paul!
Bob Cox: HTBH: Chuck looking forward to vacation in Nashville and Delray; Libby is happy for summer; Scotti grateful for no wind on his boat; Bill Paulson is happy for a 3-close week at work; Ken Davis grateful he was not offered a position at the White House; Greg a $2 happy birthday wishes to Jim Brown ; Jim Brown-thank you for the great Birthday wishes and great cake; Louise commenting that Kathy Whitney is messing her Birthday Cake (rumor has it the other Birthday Person ate it!);Andy Winig for the Red Sox winning streak and grateful for Dictionaries;
Louise provided humor
Presidential Minute: Lois talked about an August Birthday President: Barak Obama!
There is $766 in the pot. Karen ahd the right number but pulled the wrong card. We are down to v ery few cards left. Stay tuned!!