Meeting July 2,2013
Needham Sheraton Hotel

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by our very own Alex Jacoby; Bob Cocks led us in "God Bless America", and Lois led us in the Invocation.

Guests: We welcomed Jack Glancy, a representative of Signature Building Systems; Michelle Buyer, Chuck's daughter; and Matt McKeown from who will be our summer intern, working with Bill Paulson on our web site and Facebook page. Mellissa Jacoby brought her husband Michael and her two sons,
Alex and Michael
George led us in the welcome song.

Lois read a letter from Alia Raskin updating us as to her activities since winning the scholarship
Rich Forte: Money from the T's and Polo shirts due.
There will be a music program in October on some Saturday as a fund raiser.
Wingate will have a blood drive next Tuesday

50/50. Bob Cock's ticket was picked but alas he didn't pick the King of Diamonds.

Happy Dollars: Thanks for: The outgoing Board of Directors and the incoming one; welcome to the visitors, upcoming trips to Gettysburg, San Francisco and an upcoming sailing trip, Glen as president, 40th birthday to Glen's brother, Happy 4th, … oh, and a happy engagement for Eric to his girlfriend, Ada. Wow!

Paddy and Sam are the only survivors of a horrible shipwreck. They are traveling in a row boat when Sam discovers a bottle in the ocean. Paddy rescues it from the water and pops the cork. Instantly the bottle started smoking and a genie appeared. "I may grant you one wish" the Genie said to Sam. Sam thinks for a minute before he said, "I wish that the ocean was made purely of the best brewed beer known to man." The Genie clicks his fingers and the ocean changes color and the genie disappears along with the bottle. Meanwhile Paddy is shaking his head at Sam, and he says "that's great Sam, just great, though do you realize that new we have to pee in the boat?"

New President Glen Davis spoke about some of his goals for the 2013/2014 year. He believes that we need to work on membership development for our club, and, he reported on the Rotary Foundation and the latest in the battle on Polio. Sounds like this will be a busy productive year!