Rotary Club of Needham
Tuesday: October 13, 2015
Location: Needham Sheraton
Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Rich Forte
Song: God Bless America, led by Bob Cox
Invocation: Karen Wetmore
  • Please complete the visioning survey sent via e mail. If you need a copy of the survey link. Send an email to Rich. We need as big a participation as possible! Put your two cents in, and sign up!
  • Pancake Breakfast is Nov 7. Tickets will be distributed next week 
  •  Contact Deb Kazarian if your organization would like to purchase an ad on the placemat
  • We are partnering with 3 organizations that we support. For every ticket that the organization sells for $5, the organization will receive $4.   
  •  The Music Festival is coming up in January  
  • Rich and Marty are attending a Rotary Membership Forum to be held this week.
  • Seems like we went out with two 'Amber Alerts' to obtain a suitcase and cell phone for Havi Barr, and we succeeded!  
    • Chuck Buyer provided a suitcase!
    • Doug George donated a cell phone!
    • Truly, this is rotary in action!! Thank  you all!!!
  • Havi Barr and her son, Amadu are here from Ghana through the Gift of Life program. The family came to Ghana from Gambia in order to get medical help for Amadu. Amadu just underwent life saving cardiac surgery at MGH. There were many roadblocks for the family to get visas into the US. Ted was finally able to get the visas with the help of Senator McGovern’s office. Havi and Amadu have been staying with Ted and his wife, Marilyn.                                                              
  • Ted’s wife, Marilyn and her friend, Nancy Cunningham
Happy $$$:  George H is happy that his house is sold and he is moving into a condo.
-Bob Cox is celebrating his 43rd wedding anniversary
-Andy W is happy to have participated in the dictionary project
-Kathy W had a great weekend with the Bandy Hefler visitors
-Libby was happy to meet Amadu and his mom
-Roz gave a happy $ for Ted and Marilyn
50:50: Looking for Ace of Spades: Number:499  Person: Charles Nelson. $397 in the pot!
Joke of the day: George H told a (true) story about Ron Sockol putting a stuffed owl in the rafters of his house when he did renovations for George many years ago. George rediscovered the owl a few days ago during a house inspection – he had completely forgotten about Ron’s practical joke. George will leave the owl for the new owner of his home. The owl looks real and is sure to surprise the next owner!
Guest Speaker: Andy Winnik presented “Who are you? What do you do?”
The key to successful networking is starting a conversation. A good trick is to respond “Awesome” when you are asked how you are. A conversation is the start of building a relationship. Be specific and wrap a success story into your elevator pitch.
Andy did a terrific job in his presentation, and was offering his book at a discounted price of $20, of which $2 is being given back to Rotary. Thanks Andy!
Andy maintains 4 web sites, which provides tons more info on his work:
Future Meetings: Next week tickets will be distributed for the Pancake Breakfast! Be there.